To start I would like to add a disclaimer; all of the below research and information has been done by myself with no legal assistance or advice. My statements below are to provide information & my opinions supported by Canadian Laws & Rights. However as we are in unprecedented times these methods have not yet been tested by an employee of the Canadian Federal Government to the best of my knowledge.
Many unions have released statements, supporting the ideals of mandatory vaccine policies. Within them you may find a statement about “The government must also provide accommodations for workers who cannot be vaccinated for reasons protected under human rights legislation, including health concerns.”
This statement indicates there are Human Rights that are still being adhered to when it comes to our medical choices.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Canada states that “ ‘Forced vaccination’ means forcibly injecting citizens with a vaccine against their will. ‘Mandatory vaccination’ means a legal requirement to be vaccinated, and to provide proof of vaccination. Failure to comply with the mandate could result in consequences, such as being prevented from attending events, holding certain employment, or receiving certain government benefits. Some provinces already require vaccines for children to attend public schools; however, there have always been exemptions available on medical, religious, or conscience grounds.”
Human Right 1: Medical Exemptions
A medical exemption must be determined by a licenced doctor & I would recommend getting a signed letter from them if this is an option for you.
Human Right 2: Conscience or Religious Beliefs
The Ontario Government provides a Statement of Conscience or Religious Belief (Form 4897-64E (2017/07)) for parents whom would like their children to attend public school, but do not want their children vaccinated. This form does not state the family’s religious beliefs. This is because the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Section 2(a) states the following “Freedom of religion has been defined as “the right to entertain such religious beliefs as a person chooses, the right to declare religious beliefs openly and without fear of hindrance or reprisal, and the right to manifest religious belief by worship and practise or by teaching and dissemination… further, that “religion” typically involves: a particular and comprehensive system of faith and worship; a belief in a divine, superhuman or controlling power; and/or a personal conviction or belief that fosters a connection with the divine or with the subject or object of that spiritual faith… Note, however, that the Court has also stated that the rights of atheists, agnostics, skeptics and the unconcerned are equally protected by section 2(a).”
Through my contacts & research I came across a woman “Agent J” whom worked in the health care industry in America. She was not comfortable with receiving vaccines that were not previously written into her statement of offer/contract, like many of us. She wrote a statement of declination for offer, NOT AN EXEMPTION, that states her conscience beliefs against a vaccine. This letter was 100% successful for keeping & prolonging her employment. This letter has since been used around the globe, and proven successful.
Below I will break down the letter along with what wording is important to note as they play an important roll with regards to the information you are providing. I will also include a copy of the letter if you would like to use at your own will.
Declination: a formal refusal
Product: something produced
This is important as you are stating you understand your workplace is offering you a product, that is not an approved vaccine by the Health Products and Food Branch (HPFB) of Canada but authorized by them for emergency use. The HPFB states “the interim order pathway for COVID-19-related drugs and vaccines, which was signed by the Minister of Health and came into effect on September 16, 2020… An interim order is one of the fastest mechanisms available to the federal government for putting in place temporary regulations to help make health products available to address large-scale public health emergencies.
This interim order facilitates timely access for Canadians to drugs and vaccines that have demonstrated the ability to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure COVID-19. The interim order introduces temporary regulations to expedite the authorization for importing, selling and advertising COVID-19-related drugs without compromising patient safety….”
YOUR NAME, a living person retain and reserve all of my God-given rights including sole possession and sole use of all my biological materials which are granted to me by my Creator:
This statement directly ties to the following statement in the charter of rights & freedoms “… a belief in a divine, superhuman or controlling power; and/or a personal conviction or belief that fosters a connection with the divine…”
Statement of Declination for Offer of COVID-19 Vaccine Product
YOUR NAME, a living person retain and reserve all of my God-given rights including sole possession and sole use of all my biological materials which are granted to me by my Creator.
My employer and location of employment have offered a COVID-19 vaccination product to me pursuant to and satisfying the requirements of YOUR PROVINCE Health & Safety Code COPY AND PASTE COVID-19 HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE HERE.
I retain the right to decline all attempts to access, influence and or otherwise alter any and all of my God-given biological material and or biological systems which are unique, flawless and original design and craftsmanship of my Creator and of which my Creator has granted me sole possession, proprietorship and use of.
I require that any and all product offered to me by my employer or workplace be both entirely retrievable from and also removable in its entirety from my body, person, and personhood at the conclusion of each and every work period and or work shift and also and again at the completion of my contractual obligations with my location or employment, and or employer.
Pursuant to my above statement, I decline the offer for COVID-19 vaccination product.
All Rights Reserved
These are our last ditch methods of resisting the mandates. I suggest today you send an email to your union representative voicing your concerns immediately, asking why there was no vote for your freedoms of medical choices.
- S
Feds For Freedom