Feds For Freedom, an advocacy group representing thousands of federally regulated employees, has sent a collective letter signed by over 1200 to the Public Service Alliance of Canada (“PSAC”) union national leadership, requesting an urgent discussion regarding the violation of both workplace and human rights created by the Government of Canada imposed vaccine mandate.
Unfortunately, PSAC has resolutely ignored said letter and has dismissed the request of its members to uphold their rights, leading down a path towards the dereliction of their duties of fair representation.
Feds For Freedom is announcing that we will NOT be ignored nor dismissed. We are steadfast in our certainty that ours is the legally, ethically and morally sound position. We are steadfast in our certainty that the employer has no legal or moral right to threaten or enforce these mandates. We are also steadfast in our certainty that we deserve a public advocate. If PSAC will not step up, we will stand for ourselves.
We are alerting PSAC now that we will give them one more opportunity to begin a dialogue, and this opportunity will be one they will find much more difficult to ignore than our letter. After this point, we will consider them to be in dereliction of their duties, and will consider ourselves to be free of any obligation to follow the union process in dealing with the employer.
Beginning October 25th, Feds For Freedom members will be representing their fellow brothers and sisters with peaceful sit-in action at the PSAC Union Headquarters, located at 233 Gilmour Street, Ottawa, Ontario.
We hope that PSAC gives serious consideration to scheduling a meeting with us, and that PSAC’s leadership will consider the ramifications that a mass “opt-out” campaign might have. We await their response.
In solidarity,
Feds For Freedom
Federal Employee and Police Advocacy Groups Protest Vaccine Mandates – True USA
Posted on 8:11 pm - October 25, 2021[…] “We are steadfast in our certainty that the employer has no legal or moral right to threaten or enforce these mandates. We are also steadfast in our certainty that we deserve a public advocate,” Feds for Freedom said in an Oct.23 news release. […]
Federal employees and police advocates protest vaccine obligations – Trend News – Securykid
Posted on 8:29 pm - October 25, 2021[…] “We are confident that employers do not have the legal or moral right to threaten or enforce these obligations. We are also confident that they deserve public support. “We do,” said Feds for Freedom. October 23 News Release.. […]
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